DLG confirms a sustainable quality performance

DLG confirms a sustainable quality performance

We recently received for the eighth time the “Award for Longstanding Product Quality” from the DLG (the German Agricultural Society) in Cologne. Our regular quality performance at the International DLG Quality Assessments for Milk and Milk Products convinced the panel of experts.

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Herz-Käse contains pasture milk TSG Certification

Herz-Käse contains pasture milk TSG Certification

We are delighted that our cheese range made from pasture milk is “g.t.S.”-certified (TSG, “Traditional Speciality Guaranteed”). The European Union only awards the pasture milk TSG seal to products that are made to a traditional method, that is, a production or processing method or a traditional combination that has been in use for over thirty years. Our pasture milk specialities such as the Allgäuer Bergkäse and Allgäuer Emmentaler, plus our Herzjunge-Bauernkäse and the 1839 anniversary cheese in every version, self-service pieces, blocks in various sizes for deli counters and self-service chiller cabinets, are all recipients.

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Unsere heimkompostierbare Käseverpackung räumt Innovationspreis auf der Anuga ab