Allgäuer Sennereien und Käsegroßhandlung
(Allgäu alpine dairies and cheese wholesalers)
Albert Herz GmbH
Landstraße 45
D-87452 Altusried, OT Kimratshofen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)8373 – 987 964
Fax: +49 (0)8373 – 987 966

Managing Director: Ludwig Sontheim
VAT ID no.: DE 811788681 
Control body: DE-ÖKO-006

All information on our website has been carefully checked. Our offers and information are constantly being extended and updated. However, we are unable to give a guarantee that they are complete, correct and completely up to date.

Concept and design:
Concept and text:
Project coordination: wmp, Simmerberg

Disclaimer: We expressly emphasise that the editors of this homepage have no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages. Therefore we expressly dissociate ourselves hereby from all content of all linked pages on this entire website including all subpages. This declaration applies to all links included on this website and for all content of the pages to which links direct. We strictly deny any liability for damage resulting from the use of such third-party offers or third-party posts on forums. All information provided is subject to change and non-binding. No liability can be accepted for the publications and links being correct, up to date or complete.

Photo credits:

Homepage: © Isabell, Hubert Waizenegger | © Kuh auf Wiese, Hubert Waizenegger | © Käsestücke, Mark Pejot | © Firma, Silberstern TV | © Produktion, Silberstern TV
Contact: © Isabell, Jürgen Waffenschmidt
Latest news: © Kuh mit Logo, Hubert Waizenegger
Vacancies: © Herz Käse
Cheese manufactory: © Gruppenbild, Hubert Waizenegger | © Bauer mit Wagen, Herz Käse | © Herstellung, Tobias Heimplätzer
Services: © Bergkäsekeller, Tobias Heimplätzer
Range: © Produktbilder, Tobias Heimplätzer | © Butter, Patryk Michalski / AdobeStock
Company: © Unternehmensfilm, Silberstern TV | © Geschichte, Herz Käse
Privacy policy: © Sonnenuntergang, Hubert Waizenegger
Legal notice: © Sonnenuntergang, Hubert Waizenegger
T&Cs: © Sonnenuntergang, Hubert Waizenegger

Unsere heimkompostierbare Käseverpackung räumt Innovationspreis auf der Anuga ab